Joe succeeds where David failed, to get Ed to seek financial help for his training course.

Radio Times: Joe intervenes and Rob settles into village life.

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  • It the last shoot of the season. Will expects to put up plenty of birds this morning and hopes there will be enough left for the afternoon, when the staff get their turn. Rob has been invited but does not expect to trouble the birds. When Joe phones, seeking Will’s help to stack logs, Will has to turn him down.
  • Vicky is worried about the baby’s failure to put on weight and there isn’t much Lynda can do to help; a tearful Vicky explains that she fears Beth will be taken back into hospital.
  • Ed steps into the breach to help Joe with the logs, adding a typical derisory comment about Will’s ‘fun’ day. He explains his difficulties over financing the sheep shearing venture, including his reluctance to approach the farming charity that David suggested. Joe leaves him in no doubt: he will buy him a pint later for his help and he expects a report on what the charity said.
  • Good news from Vicky: the midwife was pleased with Beth’s progress and Vicky is feeling much better. Lynda has had her own breakthrough: she will ask the Parish Council to but up badger warning signs to help avoid road accidents. Whatever next? Spectacles for short-sighted badgers?
  • In The Bull, Ed duly reports that, once he has filled in their form, the charity will get back to him in a couple of weeks. He has to admit that was worth the phone call.

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