Johnny gets the go ahead from Sharon for the apprenticeship. Roy sees Usha and decides to face Elizabeth down on compensation.

Radio Times: Roy and Hayley get some sound advice, and Johnny receives good news.

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  • The ground in Ambridge isn’t recovering from the storm. Ed tells David that Mike may have some interest from an existing milkman in Felpersham about buying the business.
  • Johnny wants to play with Tom’s quad bike. First he wants to have it on the road and Tony refuses at his age. But then he wants to ride without a helmet. Tony refuses, reminding him what happened about his Dad. Johnny still has to convince Sharon that he can do the course and now he needs to ask about chicken pox – Henry has erupted in spots.
  • Hayley has made an appointment with Usha for them both to find out where they stand. Elizabeth has now accepted Hayley’s resignation too, Hayley thinks with a huge sigh of relief. Usha is reluctant to advise him since she is a friend of Elizabeth’s. Hayley presses him to tell her the whole truth and she agrees to listen. Roy tells her the redacted version. And adds that Elizabeth is sacking Roy because Freddie and Lily know they are having a sexual relationship. Usha explains that since she isn’t complaining about his work or claiming he is redundant, Elizabeth would need to claim some sort of breakdown in their professional relationship or irreconcilable differences. Usha suggests ACAS and if that doesn’t work then he might need to consider a tribunal. Usha points out that neither partner would want it all made public and would expect an out of court settlement. Usha says she can work out the numbers but can’t act for them. She offers them a name of another colleague or another firm but Roy says he’ll do it face to face.
  • Tony takes Johnny out on the quad bike when he finally gets the go ahead from Sharon to take the apprenticeship – and what’s more, he has had chicken pox.

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