Jolene isn’t comfortable comparing herself with Mel.

Radio Times: There are visitors at the Bull. Meanwhile, Jolene voices her doubts.

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  • Meriel and Mel arrive for the wedding and Meriel is a bit of a hurricane, demanding to see her bridesmaid dress straight away. At least it fits. She is really excited about being a bridesmaid with Lily. The shoes aren’t great though. But Jill has offered to drive her in to Borchester to change them … Meriel can’t wait til Friday; she and Fallon will be sisters.
  • Ed sees the posters in The Bull about David’s sheep worrying episode. This stirs Ed up again.
  • Kenton and Jolene get some time to themselves and Kenton reluctantly agrees that he will spend the night at Lower Loxley before the wedding but Kenton is rather tactless about how attractive Meriel is becoming – just like her mother. The Shula texts to check up if Darrell is around.
  • Fallon is getting anxious about the wedding and tries to tell Ed but he is clearly in a state and not ready to listen. He explains about the cows. He continues to obsess it might have been a dog.
  • Later Jolene admits she is feeling a bit awkward next to Mel. Fallon tries to convince her that if he’d wanted to find a matchstick he wouldn’t have looked for an hourglass. She is blooming gorgeous.

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