Mike and Ed lose 3 cows but the infection hasn’t spread. Darrell gets drunk and spooks one of the horses at the stables.

Radio Times: Darrell is caught red-handed, while Alistair’s patience wears thin.

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  • The two cows that aborted and the sickly calf were infected but none of the others apparently. They should be culled but Alistair says it could be worse. Initially they think they will lose everything but Alistair says they can be sold for meet so it won’t all be lost. Ed flies into a fury and says the rest of the herd could pick it up from any stray dog.
  • Eddie finds Darrell playing with the poppy money and yells at him not even to think about stealing it. He makes him sit down and buys him a pint. Darrell tells Eddie he is desperate. He has no money and hasn’t worked in months. And the Job Centre has closed his claim for missing his appointment last week and the week before. Eddie tells him it is bad. It’s not as if he’s got nothing else to do. But Darrell says he just can’t face them with all the questions and the touch screens. Eddie tells him to ask Shula to help and he admits she took him to the Job Centre but he didn’t go in. Eddie tells him to come clean. She’ll understand. Eddie lends him a tenner. He knows what it’s like at the bottom. When Mike appears, Darrell disappears.
  • Ed and Mike are devastated and Vicky was in tears when she heard about the cows. Ed gets worked up about the possibility it was dogs again but Mike says it was likely that it was inherited and the disease is over now.
  • Alistair and Shula are dealing with a nervous horse when Darrell turns up drunk and spooks the horse which runs away. Alistair orders him into the house and he stomps of saying he knows where he’s not wanted. Alistair and Shula agree they can’t have him around the horses. He’s a liability.

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