Kenton clearly has plans to be a thorn in David’s side; the flood prevention meeting makes progress.

Radio Times: Kenton is assertive. Meanwhile, the villagers count the cost.

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  • Heather arrives at Brookfield from Northumberland and is greeted by David. He leaves her in the house with Jill and goes to get Ruth. Heather chats with Jill and sounds quite down. She speaks of being quite unable to leave the North and is seriously considering sheltered housing up there, like her friend Marjorie. Like David and Ruth, she just couldn’t move away from her roots.
  • Lynda recounts the story of the Grundys and the rat to Kenton. He begins to be concerned about his planned marquee on the Green. Will it last the course? He tells Lynda that he won’t be going to the flood defence meeting. Until he hears that his brother will be chairing it that is.
  • Later in the evening, David opens the meeting. There seems to be a very full house, including Kenton. David explains that the meeting should address the need to formulate a plan for the future, to prevent Ambridge from suffering further flooding.
  • Jim raises the point that it is difficult for people to plan for the future when they are still recovering from the trauma of the recent past. Christine makes an impassioned speech saying that she now feels so insecure, especially as her house Woodbine Cottage is so damaged, that she feels it almost impossible to speak of the future.
  • In the face of David’s offer to make a report, Kenton nominates Jim Lloyd to make a record of what has happened in the village. Kenton calls for a vote and Jim’s name goes forwards. When it comes to establishing a committee to drive the review, David offers to chair it at Christine’s suggestion. However, Kenton presses for a democratic vote.
  • Christine and Jim congratulate David on the meeting. The committee comprises Lynda, Jennifer, Usha, Jim, David, Rob and Kenton. Chris and Jim leave. David tackles Kenton about his obstructive attitude. He replies with venom, accusing David of being a defender of the community when only days ago, he was preparing to bail out. The nerve!

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