Kenton is sent out of the way. Kathy is sent to impart bad news.

Radio Times: Lynda sees herself as the power behind the throne, and Kathy’s trying to fight back.

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  • Kenton is ejected from wedding HQ by Jolene, so decides to water the flowers, almost drenching Lynda in the process. Lilian rings Jolene, who wisely retreats inside. Lilian is in despair over Matt’s appearance, his determination to sort out his financial crisis and his refusal to let Lilian near him. Jolene makes appropriate noises and Lilian is duly grateful.
  • Boorish and boring Martyn continues to persecute Kathy, this time over staff hours. He orders her to cut the restaurant staff’s hours. Kathy protests, but arrogantly Martyn brushes all her arguments aside. She is to inform the staff immediately that their hours will be cut. His money-saving crusade appears not to extend to settling his bar tab, however.
  • Jolene wants Kenton to know he is not being left out of the wedding plans; she simply wants to curb his wilder excesses. As long as Mel (and presumably Meriel) can come, Kenton is happy.
  • Worn down by her battles with Martyn, Kathy goes to Grey Gables for a swim. Lynda lends a sympathetic ear. Today just could be the dark before dawn. Given Martyn’s current form, that seems unlikely

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