Lexi decides not to be a surrogate; Rex is shocked at Pip’s news but offers her his continuing support.

Radio Times: Lexi reaches an emotional decision and Rex is surprised by recent developments

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  • Pip and Toby meet at the shop. Their conversation is somewhat strained. He talks about the news of the activity surrounding dead fish in the Am. She counters with her father’s fear that it may have been caused by runoff from their silage clamp. She also hopes that her father’s visit to Toby the other day was civilised. As he begins to answer, Lexi’s appearance gives him the opportunity to leave for a meeting. Pip fills Lexi in with the news of her pregnancy and her child’s father. Lexi admits to knowing already.
  • Roy and Adam meet, yet another strained conversation. Adam reckons that the Am has been contaminated with slurry runoff. Roy gets straight to the point, the fact that he’s lunching with Lexi later. Adam says that he and Ian admire their generous surrogacy offer. Roy makes it crystal clear that it’s solely Lexi’s idea and nothing whatsoever to do with him.
  • Rex returns from Scotland and meets Toby at Bert’s cottage. Rex is dealt a body blow when he learns of Pips pregnancy. A few moments pass as it dawns on Rex that the father is his brother. He asks how she is and it becomes clear that Toby has no idea. Toby explains that her parents have made it clear that he’s not wanted. Perhaps he should leave. The baby will be an Archer, not a Fairbrother. He’s not even told his own parents. His future looks grim.
  • At Grey Gables, Lexi finds Roy outside with a cup of tea. She tries to tell him the result of her lunchtime meeting, but he’s almost uninterested. Adam and Ian have suggested she lives in a cottage at Home Farm during the pregnancy and Ian will try to find her extra work. They have offered to fly her children over from time to time. They are happy with the proposal but her mother fears that she’s being exploited. Lexi thought that Roy would be happy with the new arrangements but he’s still unhappy. He wants with all his heart to be able to accept her ideas… but he just can’t.
  • Rex talks to Pip while she cleans shoes for all she’s worth. She explains that Jill has been surprisingly supportive. Her parents too but she suspects that their support is more superficial. Rex tells her that he will always be there for her as a friend, no matter what. She’s thankful and reckons that he’s going to make a top uncle.
  • Lexi calls in to see Adam and Ian, Adam explains that Ian is visiting Helen, but he will return on the strength of a phone call. She says that she will call back tomorrow, but Adam has to know her decision immediately. She explains that though they are both good friends and lovely men, she has decided that she can’t continue with her offer. She is happier with Roy than she has ever been with any man before. If he’s not happy, then neither is she. She doesn’t want to do anything to jeopardise her situation. Adam and Ian will have to look elsewhere.

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