Lilian and Justin mend some fences. Tom may have more to worry about with the Angus herd.

Radio Times: Kirsty accepts an offer, and Justin is put in the picture.

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  • Tom gives Kirsty a present from Brazil – reputed to bring good luck, which Kirsty thinks Pip could also do with at this time. They share tea and Kirsty’s home-made cake and discuss mainly Johnny’s love life. She confesses to Tom that she went back to work far too early and wants to apologise to her work colleagues and Fallon. She has a hospital appointment on Monday to establish the cause of the miscarriage. Tom offers to come along for support and she accepts.
  • Justin and Lilian decide to go on a hack together and so the ice is broken. Lilian apologises for walking out on Justin and felt she could have handled it differently. Justin apologises for his crass approach, but vows to persuade Lilian that she is the ‘marrying type’, despite her doubts.
  • Alistair is disappointed he has had to cancel the practice open day next week – their opportunity to show off an equine specialist. Anisha has given no steer on when she may return. Miserly Alistair grumbles about the extortionate cost of the kennels repairs until Shula reminds him how many hundreds of thousands he has shelled out on new equipment for his business.
  • Tom discovers that one of his Angus cattle has lost a calf, prompting concern that the IBR has spread.

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