Clarrie clearly sets out her business parameters. Eddie continues to enjoy his moment in the limelight.

Radio Times: Toby hopes he meets the measure, and Clarrie can’t help but be suspicious.

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  • Toby gets his hopes up as Kenton has agreed to another gin tasting session at The Bull this evening. Ever the optimist, he feels Kenton could not possibly refuse his latest offering and while Pip reserves judgement, Toby presses her further over whether or not Jill has reached a decision about the loan.
  • Sporting injuries both from the cob that kicked him and now Molly Button at nets practice, Alice sympathises with Chris and persuades him to knock off work early. She is in a mood to celebrate the sale of the mapping system to Home Farm.
  • Eddie’s impersonation of Justin’s public humiliation continues to draw crowds in The Bull. He is appreciative of Clarrie’s efforts with the B&B although his ulterior motive is to persuade her to step up their offer for Mother’s Day weekend. Eddie is left in no doubt that she will not be offering massages – head, shoulder or any other body part – in the manner that Lynda Snell is, and he accepts defeat.
  • Kenton rallies a select group for the gin tasting after closing time. Alice jumps at his invitation, carrying Chris along in her wave of enthusiasm. Alice compliments each and every complimentary sample going, while Kenton wants to take his time to think about it and make some comparisons. There’s a lot to take into consideration when introducing a new line. Toby is disappointed that Kenton has not committed to buying his gin on this occasion and Pip remains awake into the small hours with money worries.

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