Local farmers offer help to the dairy unit at Berrow; Toby moves ahead with his share farming plans.

Radio Times: Adam feels the need to help, and Toby says seize the day.

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  • At Brookfield, David is due to chair a farm watch meeting in response to recent events. Ruth plans to do the milking. Pip calls in to say that Alistair has arrived. It’s purely a social visit. Ruth makes a comment about the farm not needing the expense of additional winter feed. David and Alistair slope off to move some cows. Pip tries to speak to her mother about the farm sustaining three salaries but the moment passes when Ruth takes a phone call from the solicitor dealing with Heather’s estate.
  • David and Alistair discuss the current parlous state of dairy farming. At least Brookfield doesn’t have Berrow’s problems. Alistair agrees that it sounds very much like botulism, probably having been spread by infected cattle feed. But enough gloom and doom, they set about moving the heifers.
  • Pip meets Toby out on a run. Apparently Rex is still pondering over the idea of share farming with Adam but Toby is all for it. Pip points out that it may not be all plain sailing towards making their first million. He playfully chides her for her apparent lack of ambition. As she rises to his bait, he takes off on the rest of his run. He leaves behind a very flustered Pip.
  • At The Bull, David and Alistair are joined by Adam who had spoken to a very ragged Charlie earlier on. They have lost over forty cows and he needs outside feed. Adam wonders if they could help with some silage. Adam takes David’s cautious “yes” as full blown agreement to the plan.
  • Elsewhere, Toby discusses with Ed whether the brothers should approach Adam about share farming, possibly involving some of his old city friends in the financial aspects of the deal. Will mentions Joe’s idea for a Ghost Walk, just as David begins to round up members of the farm watch group.
  • At Brookfield, Pip asks Ruth if it would have better for her to stay in High Wycombe rather than put a financial strain on the farm finances. Ruth manages to convince her that her input is vital to the farm’s future. At The Bull as the meeting breaks up, Ed makes Will promise to call him first if he spots poachers. He agrees, gratefully. Toby takes the opportunity to arrange a meeting with a rather puzzled Adam. David is pleased with how the evening has gone and Adam has news of a further three offers of help for Berrow Farm.

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