Rumours abound; Berrow Farm is in serious trouble; Jenny lets the Titchener’s cat out of the bag.

Radio Times: Everybody seems to have a theory, and Susan has a taste for more than apples.

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  • The Home Farm Apple Day celebrations are in full swing. Joe is busy spreading gloomy rumours about Berrow Farm’s difficulties. Susan is trying to get him to pipe down. Neil and Harrison arrive and manage to divert Joe’s attention from “killer viruses” to how far the police have got in tracing Edwards stolen cows. Harrison assures him that they are “still making enquiries”. Joe isn’t impressed.
  • Dropping in at Berrow Farm, Brian finds a frazzled Charlie at his wits end, coping with the aftermath of 26 dead and 15 seriously ill cows. The cause of the illness remains a mystery. He’s doing the best he can. As they speak, he’s called away to yet another affected animal.
  • Harrison tries to engage Joe in talk about the Christmas show but with little success. He wants to discuss Ed’s missing cattle, William’s vanishing pheasants and possible deer poaching at Home Farm. They all require urgent police action, but where is it? Harrison reiterates that enquiries are underway. However, as he’s currently off duty, he wanders off to enjoy the rest of his day.
  • The truth about the Christmas production is out. Lynda has decided on Calendar Girls. Jenny and Harrison try to persuade Susan to audition for a part as she was such a success in Blythe Spirit. She is aghast. Wasn’t that the play about WI members posing naked for a calendar? The very thought! Neil arrives and quizzes Jenny about the state of play at the dairy unit.
  • At Berrow, things are going from bad to worse. Charlie suspects botulism but there will be a two-day wait for the test results to be in. He hasn’t slept for ages and some of his staff are in tears. Brian offers whatever help he can. Charlie is appreciative, but is far from optimistic about the immediate future.
  • Jenny is assailed by a torrent of questions from Joe, Susan and Neil regarding the problems at Berrow. Joe wonders if Rob Titchener saw it coming and jumped ship. Jenny blurts out that he left for purely personal reasons: he and Helen are having a baby. Susan is shocked and overjoyed; at least this time there will be an actual father. Oh dear! Escaping to the sanctuary of home, Jenny hears the news from Brian that the dairy unit could be in very serious trouble indeed.

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