The Berrow Farm cattle are seen to be diseased and Ed’s cattle were seen being stolen.

Radio Times: Charlie has something to attend to, and Joe feels flush.

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  • Mike is at Berrow Farm for an interview. Charlie is impressed to hear of Mike’s varied experience with cattle and wonders if David might supply a reference. Mike seems keen to have a look round, but the interview is suddenly terminated when one of the workers tells Charlie he must come quickly. Mike heads down to The Bull.
  • Eddie rings Ed to suggest a pint, knowing how down Ed is over the loss of his cattle. Joe joins them and to Eddie’s amazement, offers to buy a round. After all, he is in the money now that he is in charge of Lower Loxley’s ghost walks. Kenton is noticeably more cheerful; the contractors are starting next week and he is planning The Bull’s Hallowe’en night. When Ed arrives, Kenton seems to think Ed has sold his cattle – he saw two men loading them on to a trailer. Unfortunately it was dusk, and he had not been able to see clearly so is unable to supply details. Joe offers Ed a whiskey to cheer him up – but oddly it is Eddie’s round.
  • Mike arrives and tells the assembled Grundys that there has been an outbreak of disease at Berrow Farm. He saw a number of beasts down and in distress. Joe is sure it is Anthrax.

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