Mabel offers sage advice to Shula. Alan and Usha breathe a sigh of relief. David is daunted by his new role.

Radio Times: Shula finds a supportive ear.

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  • Usha escapes from the Vicarage to tell Ruth how hard she is finding Mabel’s visit. Ruth does her best to cheer Usha up, but ultimately, says Usha, the question of her Hinduism is an insurmountable barrier.
  • Shula needs a listening ear, too, and she finds one in St. Stephen’s, where she meets Mabel. Mabel seems to have a fair idea of what is troubling Shula, and she tells her that she needs to find forgiveness within herself if she’s to move on. Shula can’t tell Mabel about the root of her difficulties with Usha, but she does admit that she can’t bear to see her handing out the service sheets in what Shula feels to be her own church. Wisely, Mabel points out that it will only be in that church that Usha could become drawn to the Christian faith. Mabel, too, has problems with the faith divide, but her love for Alan and Amy, and her liking and respect for Usha will, eventually, help her find a solution. Shula seems grateful but unconvinced.
  • David is duly elected Vice-Chairman of the NFU branch, but is daunted by the enormity of the members’ expectations. Ruth tells him he’s more than equal to it.
  • Mabel’s taxi arrives at last, and she bids farewell, warmly to Alan and rather coolly to Usha. As it draws away, Usha says she wishes she had tried harder; Alan says she’s been a star. Given time, Mabel will come round.

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