Matt follows Lilian to Watford when she goes to meet Paul but does not confront her.

Radio Times: Tom turns a corner, and Paul has something important to ask.

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  • Matt is making a fuss of Lilian before her “trip to see James”. She thinks he’s left when he comes back and spots her packing up wine and flowers – he thought James preferred red. And he insists on a “proper kiss” before she leaves.
  • Roy keeps leaving messages for Tom but he gets no response. He’s getting worried. He finally tracks him down to the unit and is surprised to see he is absolutely fine. He’s a bit cross that Tom put him through it. But Tom says he knows that Brenda isn’t coming back but he feels he can cope with that now. And since he hasn’t got a life, he can let work take over.
  • Lilian turns up to surprise Paul and finds him in the middle of a row with Celia and him yelling all sorts of threats at her about the wedding. As she leaves she says to Lilian that if she is the new girlfriend then she hopes she knows what she is letting herself into. Lilian seems to believe it is Celia’s fault and takes Paul out to lunch.
  • How odd that Matt was just passing as Celia is getting into her car and drops her car keys. Matt hands them back and then gets Brenda to cancel his meetings.
  • In the restaurant, Paul starts insisting that Lilian must not leave him; she is all he has left. When can they be with each other all the time? Lilian says she doesn’t know and now isn’t the time to talk about it. Then he starts insisting that she stays the weekend or overnight. He says he thinks she doesn’t care so she agrees to stay into the evening and pops out of the restaurant to call Matt. She says she is staying late to meet Leonie. Matt says he might be late himself.

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