Matt leaves it all behind him.

Radio Times: Lilian makes an unexpected journey.

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  • Lilian tries to help with Jack, who’s having a restless day, but is too tired. Matt’s nightmares about prison are keeping her awake. Peggy urges her to go, but Lilian says she’s got a Parish Council meeting later, so can’t rest. Peggy’s concerned that the shop will be discussed, and she’s already had lots of comments.
  • Lynda and Robert look at the piece of land Brian has offered the community. Robert think a green burial site may not meet with general approval, and hopes the offer won’t be seen as a bribe. Lynda waves his fears aside.
  • Lilian returns to find that Matt has packed for them both to go on holiday. He’ll tell her about it on the way to the airport.
  • Mike asks Robert if he’s coming to the cider club meeting. Robert thinks it’s been cancelled, but Mike says it’s at Brookfield. Vicky’s gone to see her mother, so Mike’s up for a good evening with the lads.
  • Pat calls to see Peggy and to suggest that she might consider the idea of a community shop. Peggy’s initially reluctant, because she can’t face committees and decisions. Pat reassures her, and asks for a few days to try and rally support. Peggy agrees; she has nothing to lose.
  • When Matt and Lilian reach the airport, Lilian finds that they’re going to Costa Rica, beyond the reach of the law. He wants Lilian to come with him, but she puts up all the arguments against it. But if she won’t, he’s going on his own.

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