Matt speaks to his hit-man. Lilian refuses to speak to Paul. Joe does Tony a favour.

Radio Times: Matt pulls the strings, and Joe has an eye for a bargain.

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  • Matt continues to show interest in what Lilian is doing, and to exude charm and consideration. When Lilian’s phone rings she rejects the call, claiming it is Jennifer ringing about Peggy and Elona. Then Matt gets a call, and he claims it is from his business contact Bernard. What a tangled web they weave.
  • Joe interrupts Tony’s efforts to clear out his barns. It seems that news of the sale at Bridge Farm is now out in the open. As a great favour, Joe offers to take an old milk churn off Tony’s hands. He will require a pint at The Bull in return for doing Tony this favour, of course, but Tony is touched when Joe reminds him that he knows what it is like to sell your herd.
  • An angry Paul finally manages to speak to Lilian, who gives as good as she gets, reminding him of his appalling behaviour the previous week. Paul claims that he was upset over Celia’s wedding, and that he and Lilian need to talk. He becomes increasingly demanding, and Lilian does not want to engage in conversation, especially since Matt is about to come into the room. Little does she (or Paul) know that Matt’s call from Bernard was actually from his hit man, who has not yet managed to locate Paul and see him off.
  • Kindly old Matt takes his work-stressed partner to The Bull for lunch. Tony seizes the opportunity to sound his sister out about property investments, but gets very short shrift. For some reason Lilian is no longer hungry.

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