Mike finds a radical solution to a problem. Matt’s problem is loneliness. Jennifer and Lilian have strategies for coping with their problems.

Radio Times: Caroline finds a solution for Willow Farm.

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  • Over a cup of tea, Mike tells Caroline how angry he is over Will’s purchase of 1 The Green. He says Roy and Hayley are very upset. Caroline offers a solution: why not divide Willow Farm into two houses.
  • Still trying to help out at the Bull, Lilian says she’s found help for Freda. But Jolene is forced to point out that Freda doesn’t need help; all she needs is for Lilian to stop making extra work. A contrite Lilian apologises, and even the angry Jolene is touched.
  • Caroline comments to Roy that Matt is spending a lot of time alone at Grey Gables. She goes over to chat, only to be told that Matt is fine. But Caroline perseveres, and invites Matt to dinner at Grange Farm. Oddly for a man with no troubles, he seems very pleased.
  • Mike presents Caroline’s idea to Roy, who is amazed at its originality. It’s just what he and Hayley want, and Mike is equally keen. He’ll have them for neighbours, and they will still have their own homes. Brenda will inherit Mike’s house eventually. It’s just what Betty would have wanted.
  • Jennifer and Lilian swap problems. Jennifer tells her sister about Brian’s new will, and how upset Adam is. Lilian tells Jennifer that she thinks Matt has moved Annabelle into the Dower House; he hasn’t been seen out for days. They agree that a shopping trip is needed; bags, lingerie, shoes – they’ll hit Matt and Brian where it hurts; in their wallets.

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