No sign of Ed. Shula and Alistair make progress on their problems.

Radio Times: Alistair builds bridges with Daniel.

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  • They are two busy people but Oliver and Caroline manage a snack lunch together. Oliver has been extra busy because Ed did not turn up and he has not been able to get in touch with him – or with Emma. He just wishes Ed had called him.
  • Alistair and Daniel are enjoying some cricket practice. Daniel is so pleased to have his dad back. Shula has had a call from the Building Society: they will lend the £100K – more if required. There will be surveys but it should not take more than 2-3 weeks. They can only do this once, so Alistair needs to work on a cure.
  • Eddie is selling his new line, wolf-whistling gnomes, on the market with limited success; he is a bit vague about it to Clarrie. On the other hand he is very clear about what he thinks has happened to Ed – he’s gone on the booze after Emma chucked him out.
  • Shula has visited Caroline to tell her the news about Alistair – but she glosses over the size of the debt. At least it’s not an affair. He’s back and he wants to stay and put their lives back together.
  • When Shula gets back a computer game is in full swing – not poker, something with lots of killing! Alistair is able to report that he has made contact with the local Gamblers’ Anonymous.
  • Back home, Clarrie is still worried about Edward and tries again to phone him. He cannot stay at Jazzer’s for ever. Where can he go? Back here – he is still their son. But Eddie is adamant: if Ed thinks he can come crawling back – he’s wrong.

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