Pat and Tony face another dark day while Christopher and Alice face a bright future.

Radio Times: Lynda makes a show of solidarity, and Pat is horrified by what she hears.

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  • A worried Pat goes to Grey Gables in an attempt to persuade Ian to resume serving Bridge Farm produce. She is met by Lynda, who is sympathetic, understanding why Pat and Tony feel they must give Lynda’s party a miss.
  • Chris comes home for lunch to find a hung-over Alice trawling temping sites in a vain search for a summer job. They laugh about Rhys’s party guests, though Chris is not in cheerful mood. Ronnie still has not made his mind up, and he feels sure Daz will get the business. But at least he has a good van to work from if Ronnie refuses to rent Chris his premises.
  • Pat tells Tony that Ian has a new supplier, but has promised to re-stock with pat’s ice cream when he can. Tony is angry when he sees a letter from Martin at the deli, terminating his relationship with Bridge Farm. He thinks they will have to reduce their output and their staffing. Pat tries to appear optimistic a she awaits the Radio Borsetshire broadcast. Just as it is about to start, Lynda rings. She will serve Bridge Farm cream at her party and will tell everyone they can have confidence in it. Someone must make a stand. Pat is almost moved to tears.
  • A phone call from Ronnie gives Chris and Alice cause to celebrate. He will rent the premises to Chris after all. Suddenly they have a future.
  • Past and Tony listen to the broadcast, which is heavily edited, and makes it sound as though Pat’s concern is entirely for the business, not the children who are still seriously ill. She is devastated at being so unfairly portrayed. The all-clear from Environmental Health was meant to be a new start. If things carry on like this, they will have no business left.

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