Paul has an unpleasant encounter.

Radio Times: Lilian finds it hard to be sympathetic, and Tom comes to the rescue.

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  • Paul, sounding increasingly obsessive and irrational, rings Lilian and insists that he must see her. Lilian is reluctant to do so, but realising that he is more than capable of turning up at the Dower House, finally agrees to see him at the flat.
  • Matt’s hit-man rings; he knows where Paul will be. Matt tells him to get on with what he is paid to do; Matt does not want to know any details.
  • At Bridge Farm, leek-planting is under way, thanks to Tom and his helpers, but Tom has to leave for an appointment in Felpersham, so Tony takes over.
  • Jennifer calls on Lilian to discuss finding help for Peggy. Lilian is still shaken from her phone conversation with Paul, but it takes Jennifer some time and much wittering to notice. She asks Lilian what is wrong, but Lilian is evasive.
  • As Paul parks his car, he is set upon and beaten up. A passer-by stops to help him – it is none other than Tom. He wants to ring 999 but Paul refuses. All he wants is some cash in exchange for a note so that he can park his car and seek refuge in the flat.

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