Peggy’s paid carer doesn’t show. Alan’s antiques are unwanted.

Radio Times: Roy’s services are volunteered.

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  • Usha and Alan load Neil’s van with his furniture from the empty cottage. The decoration swap has persuaded Alan it’s time for someone else to enjoy them. Lilian pounces, hoping it’s a hunky burglar she can wrestle to the ground.
  • Alan finds the bottom’s dropped out of the antiques market and no one wants to buy. Usha praises Alan’s suggestion of The Elm’s old furniture give-away. It would mean no money to buy a new piece that would mean something to them though. Usha just wants Alan, she says. Just not my furniture, he wryly replies.
  • Roy and Hayley visit Peggy. Jack’s out with Tony. Hayley volunteers Roy and Mike to make a bench out of the fallen oak, determined to improve Roy’s self-professed Don’t Involve Yourself skills.
  • Lilian tells Jennifer of her rant at the care agency after their carer didn’t show this morning, although realises that they just can’t get the staff. Lilian insists Jennifer must still visit Hungary to see Marshall. Jennifer wonders what he’ll make of a raddled old hag.
  • Now it’s Alan’s turn to visit Peggy. She’s finding it hard to be dependent on the children. Alan tells her after decades of doing her bit for them, now it’s payback time; she and Jack deserve it.

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