Phil is concerned about Ruth. Brian is concerned about the future.

Radio Times: Brian shows his true colours.

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  • Phil lends a hand a Brookfield in Bert’s absence, to David’s relief. Bert is recovering well, and should be back at work soon. But Phil is worried about Ruth. With her health record and her current washed-out appearance, shouldn’t she be seeing the doctor? David admits that he’s worried, too.
  • Lilian descends on Jennifer with a pile of glossy wedding magazines and endless fantasies about enormous meringue cakes and Darcy-style outfits for Adam and Ian. When Adam sees the magazines he gives Lilian a very firm no. Brian lurks outside to avoid Lilian, but that doesn’t stop her finding him and reminding him to bathe her in flattering soft lights as he assists Neil with the Christmas show. Brian’s views on that role are equal only to his views on weddings Lilian-style.
  • When Jennifer tries to bring Brian round to a more positive view of the wedding, he admits that he has very real concerns for the future. He’s spent his life building up the farm and he didn’t do that just to ensure a secure future for Ian.

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