Pip ends things with Toby, Anisha and Rex have a disagreement over Pip but Justin and Lilian finally talk things over.

Radio Times: Toby cannot believe what he is hearing, while Lilian wants Justin to be less hard-line.

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  • It’s a big night out at The Bull. Anisha tries to engage Pip and Toby in a serious discussion about Brexit and the effect of the end of farming subsidies on British farms. Pip begins to get heated until Toby ends things. Toby tries to flatter Pip into a romantic mood but Pip is prickly. She doesn’t want him to kiss her in public, either, so Toby proposes a neutral toast to the end of the week.
  • Lilian and Justin also try to have a celebratory drink but Justin can only focus on the details of the divorce settlement. He works himself into a temper about Miranda’s demands while Lilian tries to change the subject. Justin declares he must make an early departure because he has a good deal of paperwork to do. Lilian sighs with disappointment.
  • Meanwhile, Toby has been drinking steadily and begins to speak a bit loudly about his feelings for Pip. Pip is irritated and tells him to be quiet. Toby suggests they plan a minibreak but Pip is incredulous. They have no money and Pip has too much farm work. When Pip hears that Kenton has suggested a weekend away, she points out that Kenton is the last person to listen to when it comes to money management.
  • Lilian is worried about money. She tries to convince Justin that he is spending more money on legal fees than he will make in the settlement. Why not just accept that there is a cost in leaving a long marriage? Lilian understands that Justin sees this as a struggle to be won but she suggests a different approach. Why not draw the line at Demara and give up the rest? Justin cries out that it is not Lilian’s place to make comments on the divorce. Lilian quietly points out that this is what a partnership is. Justin apologises and agrees. They seem to have settled things amicably for the moment.
  • Pip and Toby, however, continue to argue. Pip raises the issue of covering up her part in the spread of IBR. Pip does seem to blame Toby who tries to downplay the lack of openness in that incident. Pip cries out that Toby doesn’t see things as she does and he is a bad influence on her. She cares for him but they are too different. They bring out the worst in each other. Everything they have is built on lies and deceit. It is over. Toby declares he will change but Pip storms off. Toby has no choice but to return to the bungalow and he interrupts Rex and Anisha as they relax in the bungalow. Toby grabs Rex’s bottle and goes off to his room to get drunk. His parting shot is that finally Rex will be happy. Anisha presses Rex for the truth. He tells her that at one time he tried to have something with Pip but it didn’t work out. Anisha criticises Pip as a farmer and Rex defends her. Anisha decides to call it an early night.
  • Toby turns up drunk at Brookfield, and pounds on the door of the farmhouse, shouting for Pip to open it. He begs Pip to reconsider their relationship. She refuses and closes the door on him.

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