Pip has another tantrum when she finds out Ruth and David have lent money to Josh.

Radio Times: Spencer has a request, and Pip demands an explanation.

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  • Jennifer and Susan are bemoaning the lack of a regency fete. Surely that would have been a better idea on balance. Susan thinks undue pressure was put on Vicky! Jazzer told her the importance of being loyal to Grange Farm and that it could be a great marketing opportunity. They also manage a good gossip about Elona and Darrell and about Clarrie’s birthday.
  • Spencer picks up Pip again. She tells him they should invoice Ruth and David for the petrol. She has to go back to Brookfield. She’s going to have another go at getting the £800 out of them by being sweetness and light….. Spencer sounds rather more sceptical and he is sounding a bit put upon. Pip makes him stop so she can pop into the shop to buy a card and of course, Susan lets drop that Josh is buying into the egg business.
  • Pip’s plans to be nice change rather and she blows up at them again about the loan. How can they treat two of their children so differently? Ruth starts to try to calm things down. But David won’t have any of it. Josh is a child and they are proud of him. But Pip is twenty and she needs to learn to live within her means. There are plenty of cars in her budget and she doesn’t need a flashy car. Pip demands to know if it is their last word and when he says yes she flounces out. Ruth agrees but is very upset. She just wishes Pip and David would get on.

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