Pip is very impressed with Felpersham University.

Radio Times: Pip is thinking ahead and Elizabeth is on the lookout for new recruits.

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  • David and Ruth are wondering what Eddie was thinking of throwing wallpaper paste over Sabrina, even though it was quite funny. Turn’s out Harry’s cooking tips worked Jazzer was certainly pleased with the results….
  • Ruth and Pip are off to Felpersham University Open Day, well known haunt of all Ambridge children, to look at their agricultural courses. They bump into Elizabeth dropping off some information about temporary jobs and Pip tells her how impressed she is with it. Elizabeth offers more invitations to Lower Loxley for the Great Event on 2 January.
  • Nigel hopes the ice rink will go well, it’s cost a fortune. Lewis is certain it will be a big hit. Even Daniel is applying for a job. But no room at the inn for Joe Grundy this year.
  • Pip tells David how great it would be to go to Felpersham, she could really stay in touch with the farm and there is a lot of business and marketing on the course. Ruth isn’t quite so sure though. Going away to college was great for learning independence. David agrees but things are so different now, so expensive for a start. Still she has other places to see and hasn’t made any decisions yet.

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