Rehearsals go fairly well but Susan is unhappy; Joe’s emergency accommodation is not what it should be.

Radio Times: Bert gets his hands dirty for Freda, and Lynda is careful with her composition.

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  • Eddie finds Joe outside surveying the village and Lakey Hill wistfully and gives him the news that his emergency accommodation, Fairmont House in Borchester, is available to view. They make tracks but Joe insists that they call in at The Bull where Bert and Carol are planting Freda’s memorial rose. Joe helps Bert, saying that it was a fitting tribute to Freda.
  • Lower Loxley sees Lynda and Harrison preparing the stage for the rehearsal of “that” scene, though Lynda has plans for the women to wear bathrobes. Elizabeth announces Kirsty and Susan’s arrival. Lynda is keen to get on with planning sightlines. A little later, in the rehearsal proper, as Lilian artistically drops her robe, it becomes obvious that more planning is needed … her “assets” are not fully covered!
  • Eddie and Joe get their first view of Fairmount House, in the pouring rain. It’s a hostel with no care facilities. Inside, Joe’s room is tiny with barely room for a TV, there’s a shared kitchen and a single bathroom for the whole floor. Joe puts on a brave face but they both know that it’s not what they’d hoped for, not at all.
  • At the rehearsal, Harrison, in role as the photographer, gives a countdown. On the count of three, robes are dropped, the imagined notes of Jerusalem fade away and the stage is blacked out. It worked. Carol congratulates Lynda on the staging as they all take a break. Susan is happy; it will be even better with the body stockings on. Lynda assures her that there are no plans for body stockings. Susan is horrified; Christopher working backstage will see her. Oh no!
  • Later in the Flood Bar at The Bull, Eddie joins Bert, Carol and Lilian. The two women offer to get the drinks while Eddie gives news of Fairmount House to Bert. It’s basically “grotty”, Joe will have to do his own cooking and it seems that he will be sharing with some really dodgy residents. In truth, it’s breaking Joe’s heart. Bert is shocked.

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