Richard’s party is a great success and Adam tells Charlie that they cannot be friends in the future.

Radio Times: There is a gathering at Keeper’s Cottage, and a new taker for one of Susan’s tabards.

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  • Shula delivers food and drink for Richard’s party at Keeper’s Cottage. What’s this? Alistair can’t make the party? Justin turns up and he is introduced to Richard Locke; Richard invites Justin to the housewarming and Justin is pleased although his wife Miranda possibly won’t make it.
  • Lilian is daring Jenny to peel off the star to take a peek of the true Susan underneath. They greet Justin at the shop and Lilian flirts madly. She is thrilled to hear that Justin will come to the drinks party this evening. No mention of Miranda.
  • Charlie drops in to see Jennifer and Lilian and is invited to Christmas dinner. He was planning a party for the workers at Berrow Farm and must beg off. Lilian presses Charlie to come to the party at Keeper’s Cottage. He is reluctant until Adam’s name is mentioned.
  • There is a crush at Richard’s and Shula seems to be acting as hostess. It is a shame that neither Elizabeth nor Helen and Rob could make it. Justin greets Adam and congratulates him on his wedding. Justin has a favour to ask but is interrupted by Charlie’s arrival. Lilian seems determined to monopolise Justin who pays compliments to Shula’s stables. Racing is a bit of a passion of Justin’s. Lilian is quick to state that she loves a flutter. In a gallant response, Justin invites Shula and Lilian to come to the next race at Felpersham where his horse will be running. They will be his guests, of course.
  • Charlie and Adam finally get a chance to chat. Charlie accuses Adam of avoiding him. Charlie accepts Adam’s choice of Ian; can’t they be friends and talk as they used to do? Adam replies that he is sorry but there is nothing left to say.

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