The Fairbrothers sell the Grundys turkeys and Ian blames Helen for her ‘betrayal’ over Adam and Charlie.

Radio Times: Rob might have Christmas all wrapped up, while The Fairbrothers are going to market.

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  • Toby delivers the geese to Ian at Grey Gables. Ian has a laugh because Toby and Rex are dressed as Victorian market stall holders to deliver and sell their birds today.
  • Helen tries to go into work but she doesn’t feel well enough. Rob goes into the usual spiel and sends her home to rest. All will go on fine without her.
  • Joe gives everyone trouble about sharing the stall with the Fairbrothers’ geese. Eddie gets the brothers to promise that they’ll sell the turkeys as well as the geese. Toby has a patter to match his clothing and promises he will shift the lot.
  • Helen sees Ian on the way home and she jumps out of the auto to greet him. Ian is quite stiff with her. He is angry that Helen knew about Charlie and Adam. Helen denies that she knew anything but Ian won’t listen. He feels betrayed that everyone was laughing behind his back.
  • Eddie gets £1200 from the market stall sales and, most important, all the turkeys are gone. But Rex feels that it was a great deal of work for very little profit, and Joe grumbles that the brothers have given them away. Eddie points out that they didn’t want to bring them home anyway. Trouble seems imminent when it appears Eddie forgot to keep back a turkey for Christmas dinner. It’s okay, smiles Toby, he has kept back a goose and they can have that for the Grundy table. Joe claims that he would choke on it, but Eddie suggests another round of drinks and that seems to settle it.
  • Rob gets his wish and has Henry and Helen alone with him for their own Christmas Eve tree trimming. Rob then brings up his ultimate goal of keeping Helen inside the home on a daily basis; Rob wants his family to stay alone on Christmas day instead of going to Bridge Farm. Rob has already talked to Pat so what can Helen say?

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