Rob appears to be a hero to Henry and Pat but Helen is disturbed by his behaviour at the cricket match.

Radio Times: It is a crucial match for the Ambridge cricket team, and Henry is cheering his Daddy.

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  • The ladies are out to support the Ambridge cricket team and Henry announces that Rob is going to adopt him. Cheers all round especially from Pat.
  • Johnny sledges the other players and, backed up by Rob, he argues with Adam when Adam remonstrates. Adam takes him off the bowling in response.
  • Pip tells Pat that Jill is having a hard time settling in at Elizabeth’s. Meanwhile, Johnny is put back in the game and Rob is very nasty to Adam. Tom tries to mediate but when he leaves, Rob accuses Adam of not having the ability to lead the team and says he just doesn’t have what it takes.
  • Pat, who was out of earshot of Rob’s comments, praises Rob as a player and as a father to Henry. Adam made a bad call and Rob criticizes him harshly. There is a disagreement over a catch; Adam asks if Rob edged the ball. Tom agreed with Adam and Adam asks Rob to be honourable and walk. Rob refuses and tells Adam to get off the pitch.
  • After a close win for Ambridge, Adam decides not to have a victory pint with the team. He tells Rob that he would rather have lost than cheated. Rob tells Adam to stick to growing wildflowers because he is not a real man. Helen walks up and tells Rob that she was filming the play; she has caught it on camera. Rob asks to see the camera and after fiddling with it a bit, he tells Helen she must have messed up; there isn’t anything on film. While Helen seems confused, Henry runs up, cheering, ‘Daddy, Daddy, you won!’ Yes, replies Rob with grim satisfaction, I won.

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