Rob returns home from hospital, Pip advises Rex and Ursula takes over.

Radio Times: Pat is taken by surprise and Pip gives Rex guidance.

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  • Ursula brings Rob home from the hospital. He refuses to go up to bed and is testy with his mother as she fusses. He complains about coming back to an empty house. Ursula points out that she has made the house spotless. Ursula notes that she is next going round to pick up Henry. Did Pat make a fuss, Rob wants to know? Ursula is dismissive; Henry is coming to visit his father, how could Pat object to that?
  • Pip interrupts Ruth’s delicate work with a cow. Pip is very excited about getting cows from her friend. Ruth reminds Pip that her friend’s father is known for being a shark when it comes to deals, so beware, Pip. Rex comes in to accompany Pip on her next chore.
  • Pat puts a snack in Henry’s pocket and Tony comes in to ask if he is not going to wear his wellies. His trainers are good, answers Pat. Henry wants to take his robot because he always sleeps with his robot but Pat reminds him that he will be coming back to Pat and Tony’s before the night. Ursula turns up and Pat hesitantly asks after Rob’s health. Ursula is curt and then downright rude. She is sure that Pat and Tony are happy that Rob is recovering.
  • Ursula arrives with Henry and he has drawn a picture which says ‘Welcome home, Daddy’. Ursula attempts to tidy it away but Rob objects that he hasn’t yet finished looking at it. Henry wants to sit on Rob’s knee but Rob is still sore. Henry announces that he is glad Daddy is home but he wants to see the stitches on Rob’s arm. Not now, answers Rob. Where is Mummy, Henry asks? Ursula hurries Henry upstairs to bed.
  • Rex says that Toby will have to settle for fewer goslings than he wishes. Perhaps Rex is too cautious, Pip advises; Rex needs to keep Toby on side. She suggests a compromise and Rex is grateful. Pip mentions how much she misses Matthew.
  • Pat begins to worry because Henry is not yet home. They made an arrangement and they must keep to it. Pat calls Ursula. Ursula imperiously announces that Henry is not coming back to Pat but he is staying with his father. Ursula is not going to argue. Henry belongs with his father and that is where he is staying. She disconnects as Pat sputters.

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