Rob rings an upset Jess to gloat and goad her; then he tells Helen that everything is amicable and they won’t hear from Jess again.

Radio Times: Peggy has bought a present, and Rob has got the upper hand.

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  • Rob tries to make Helen out as a scatterbrain but still wants to take everyone out to dinner. He doesn’t sound impressed that Tony is coming round but Helen says he won’t stay. As soon as Helen is out of the house he rings Jess. He is just calling to taunt her. He claims she knew all along and doesn’t like the idea that she slept with someone else while he slept with Helen. Jess reminds him that they did sleep together and that he did tell her he loved her. Rob claims he can’t remember. He asks if she’s told his mother yet that Ethan isn’t her grandchild. She showed him more love than any of her actual children ever did. She is bound to blame Jess. Jess threatens to tell Helen they slept together but Rob just gloats that Helen won’t believe a mad woman.
  • Tony and Peggy have tea. He tells her how happy Rob and Helen are and how bright Henry is. He loves his football and can write his own name. Tony says he is feeling better too. And Tom is getting more involved in village life again. Peggy shows Tony his new will and asks him to be her executor. Tony agrees and then Peggy gives Tony the model car he’d always wanted as a child. Tony is thrilled.
  • Jess rings Rob back. She says she isn’t feeling well. She really wanted Ethan to be Rob’s. He loved her once. Rob says maybe but Jess spoiled it as she always did. Rob tells her not to call again and that future communication will be through the solicitor about the divorce.
  • Tony is quite emotional showing off the toy car to Helen. But he tells her that he and Peggy have sorted themselves out at last. Rob appears with flowers for Helen. He tells her to go up and get dressed. They are celebrating that he is finally free of Jess. He even says that she showed some remorse and claims they had an amicable conversation. There is no need for her to drag her heels on the divorce. Helen says that will be a huge relief and Rob says the best thing is they can get married as soon as the divorce is through – Mrs Rob Titchener.

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