Ruth is determined to depress the entire population of Ambridge.

Radio Times: Jolene offers a sympathetic ear, and Kenton seeks inspiration.

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  • Ruth meets up with Usha for Chelsea buns. She admits she is upset. When Usha asks how her mother is, Ruth admits she seems only to be half there. She just replies to everything with “I don’t know pet”. Then Ruth makes it clear that she is jealous of the relationship between David and Pip. They don’t need her anymore. And what will it be like when Heather is moved down. Usha tries to convince her she is the centre of Brookfield but Ruth says she feels like an outsider.
  • Pip has arranged an appointment for Rex with Elizabeth and he is thrilled. He notices she is wearing a new necklace which is Heather’s. Pip can’t get over how ill Heather is.
  • Yet more whining from Ruth about how she won’t talk to David and he won’t listen anyway. But Usha has to dash to see a client. Usha stresses Ruth must talk to David when Jolene arrives. Jolene tells her it was just the same for her mother. She remembers finding her crying over the kitchen table and hearing her say “It’s not easy mothering your own mother”.
  • Kenton turns up at Hollowtree to be maudlin about his past. Rex doesn’t manage to do too well at convincing Kenton of the values of brotherly love.
  • Jolene rings Pip to talk about Ruth. Whatever she says clearly hits home with Pip. Ruth starts whining again about how she’ll have to miss Josh’s birthday breakfast, even though Josh won’t even be up for it. Pip asks how things will work once Heather moves down. Ruth admits she might have to be tied to the office if she can’t leave Heather alone. But she does seem to manage a smile about a bowl of tuna pasta.

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