Ruth’s relationship with Pip will not be mended quickly.

Radio Times: Josh is on the warpath, and Elizabeth is pampered.

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  • Rex spots Pip cleaning the Brookfield yard but his badinage cuts very little ice. As he leaves to attend to his hens, Josh is heard on his mobile, yet another unhappy customer. He calls after Rex to help sort matters out, but he just keeps walking. Hanging up, Josh passes a message to Pip from Ruth about moving the cattle, while making it crystal clear that he’s not a message taking service. They part acrimoniously, each laying the blame for the cattle infection squarely at the other’s doorstep.
  • Elizabeth thanks Shula for her 50th birthday present as they drive to a pamper day at Matcham Grange. They compare their lives to date, especially their individual midlife crises with Roy and Richard Locke. They both admit to being in happier places now, though Shula sounds very slightly less than certain of her life choices. She points out that Elizabeth’s children are a credit to her with university beckoning both. Elizabeth has doubts about Freddie, but what will be will be; a new phase of their lives is opening up.
  • Josh catches up with Rex and lays into him about his overpricing of a piece of machinery by £2000. Rex explains that he hadn’t been sure of the price and had phoned and texted Josh for help but had received no reply. Josh had expected more common sense from Rex. That is what he was paying him for. Anyway, Rex must phone the client and put things right. Rex, however, manages to sort things out with the overbearing Josh there and then. He quit.
  • David meets Ruth after she had moved the cattle. Again, he explains how he can’t understand how she had let things go so far and become so sour. She told how she had tried to own up on two occasions but somehow other things just got in the way. She wasn’t thinking straight. They both apologise, Pip for her actions and David for his hurtful words, but will Ruth be placated so easily? As David leaves, Josh turns up and Pip takes a moment to take full responsibility for what had happened. He accepts with his usual good grace and well-chosen tone of voice.
  • Shula and Elizabeth are thoroughly enjoying their day at Matcham Grange. Elizabeth is looking forward to her party even though Lily feels that the guest list is somewhat short. Given the state of current family relations, Elizabeth will be more than happy if David and Ruth actually turn up. Shula suggests that now may be the time to patch things up with Kenton but Elizabeth’s not so sure, she’s the injured party after all.
  • David tries to explain to Ruth how his earlier conversation with Pip has helped them both. He’s certain that talking would help Ruth too. She’s not at all certain that she could trust herself at present. The damage that Ruth inflicted on family members at Bridge Farm while she genuinely thought that she was defending Brookfield won’t go away quickly. Nor will a box of chocolates go very far to set things straight with Joe and Clarrie. Will she ever forgive Ruth? No, it seems that talking things through with Pip is not at the top of her current “to do” list.

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