Ruth speaks in haste and later regrets it. Pip tries to confess but doesn’t succeed – yet.

Radio Times: Ruth regrets what she says, and Harrison tries to make amends.

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  • It’s a blatant case of ageism; that’s Susan’s view of Harrison’s treatment of Usha. So he gets verbally steam-rollered when he ventures into the shop. He persuades Ed not to go in and they head for The Bull instead. He knows about Ed’s difficulties over the trampoline and suggests that he is over-thinking it all. In turn Ed suggests that he has got to talk to Usha. A text summons Ed away to some scrub clearing; no pint today.
  • Ruth meets Helen on a present delivery mission to Grange Farm. Helen dissuades Ruth from visiting Bridge Farm to talk to her dad and voices are raised. Ed tries to calm the situation but not before Ruth blurts out a reminder of the E. coli outbreak at Bridge Farm. Clarrie is in the kitchen.
  • Harrison calls on Usha to apologise but it goes horribly wrong. Before the conversation can get worse, Ruth arrives in tears. Usha administer tea and sympathy. Ruth feels that everybody is against them.
  • Ed calls on Pip at Rickyard with news of the massive barney between Ruth and Helen. His mum overheard and is upset. He insists Pip must fess up, sooner rather than later.
  • When Ruth gets home Pip tells her that Clarrie overheard the E. coli comment and is upset. Pip tries to tell her about the cows getting out but cannot get a word in edgeways.

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