Should Sid step down from the cricket team to retain Adam; that’ll be the day!

Radio Times: Robert makes a radical suggestion.

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  • Robert is not entirely comfortable with the expedition but Lynda assures him it is all above board: she has borrowed the keys and is bent on taking a look at the Cat & Fiddle. The smell is appalling and the dust is making her sneeze but Lynda is undaunted; she tears off the plywood panelling from the stairs to reveal the original mahogany posts. Lynda is delighted; Robert is appalled.
  • Fallon has been making plans for “Upstairs@TheBull”; she has recruited several of her college friends as DJs and has designed a poster for a launch in three weeks time. Jolene will not be here then because, as she explains, she is going to have her eyes done. Jolene is delighted at the prospect of looking younger; Fallon is appalled. Neil turns up and reports on a really successful fund-raising event.
  • Meanwhile in the pub with no beer, Lynda has cleaned a stained glass window and it is all that Robert can do to stop her tearing down the plasterboard in search of its twin.
  • Betty is worried about Phoebe playing up and Susan is worried that Christopher’s bad influence is behind it. Neil has started bricklaying and is proceeding but slowly – Susan wants it faster but still perfect, of course. Lynda calls with a plea for Susan to audition for a Christmas Carol – Mrs Cratchett.
  • Fallon is trying hard to dissuade her mother from going ahead with the eye job. She is on hand to hear Robert and Neil discussing the cricket situation, Adam going to Darrington. Neil understands Adam’s point of view, things being as they are here. Robert’s view is that it would make more sense for Sid to step down that for Ambridge to lose Adam. That’ll be the day.

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