Shula is getting concerned that Alan and Usha should be being more discreet.

Radio Times: Usha becomes a hot topic.

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  • Usha has overslept on New Year’s Day and isn’t impressed to be woken up by Lynda canvassing. Alistair isn’t over pleased either. He’s even prepared to make a resolution never to let her through the door again. In fact no one seems very thrilled to see her. She finally catches up with Ruth and Usha (for the second time!) at Brookfield and they have to listen!
  • Susan decides to take the opportunity to complain to Shula about the “inappropriateness” of Alan’s relationship with Usha. Shula says she’s not the first to comment. Ruth has heard about their kiss at New Year too! She thinks it’s wonderful.
  • Emma and Ed were out on the town on New Year’s Eve. She’s beginning to think it may not be a bad thing, Will having George on Saturday nights.
  • Alistair is also less than thrilled to hear Shula whining about Alan and Usha. He thinks it’s absolutely nothing to do with her or Susan or anyone else. It has no bearing on Alan’s faith or his ability as a vicar.

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