Shula is worried that Anisha doesn’t know that Matt and Alistair were involved in gambling.

Radio Times: Emma feels outnumbered and Matt dangles the bait

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  • Anisha is driving to Newmarket and Rex is unhappy about it. She is concerned that Alistair is bothered about doing the boring stuff while she swans off with Matt. Rex thinks Matt is a creep and will probably never pay up
  • Shula isn’t happy when Matt turns up at The Stables. Matt says the sooner Anisha does the work the sooner he will be out of Ambridge.
  • Kenton congratulates Fallon on the purchase of Woodbine. Emma is clearly quite bitter about her luck though Kenton says he has never had a mortgage. Emma still wants something of her own. She really thinks that she’ll get one of the affordable houses – even though Lynda is objecting. She doesn’t know how it is to be young.
  • Matt is filming everything Anisha is doing. She isn’t keen but he says he has to give his buyers as much information as possible. Matt then becomes more bothered that she seems to be doing a very extensive exam. He then offers her the option of more pre exams – and Latif would be there to see here at work.
  • Fallon thinks it is funny that Alice hasn’t told Brian he is the Town Crier. He thinks he will be sucking up to the Duxford sisters. She thinks she’ll get away with it. And Rex has been signed up to the Human Fruit Machine. Then Rex tells Emma that people are going to talk against the housing development at the next Parish Council. Lynda has been winding them up. Rex says Anisha is against it, and there is a long discussion about what is good or bad. There doesn’t seem to be much in favour of building homes for local families.
  • Kenton goes to visit Shula so see how she is. Shula is struggling. Oliver doesn’t seem to be making much progress and she still misses Caroline. Alistair is getting anxious about Anisha getting involved with Matt. He won’t tell her about the gambling and doesn’t trust Matt. Shula doesn’t know what to do.

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