Lilian is getting caught up in a cluster of lies about her relationship with Matt. Alice persuades Brian to be the MC at the fete but doesn’t point out the Town Crier angle.

Radio Times: Roy wants to smooth things over, and Alice deploys her powers of persuasion

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  • Roy and Kirsty chat about Lexi. He thinks he should make himself scarce when she visits Kirsty later. Roy thinks it’s a pity because he likes her. Kirsty teases him for not knowing how to chat a woman up.
  • Alice and Jennifer are chatting about the fete. Alice needs a favour from Brian, but she doesn’t want him for the human fruit machine. Her main problem, though, is that she has too many offers for help and entertainment. How does she tell them she doesn’t need them now?
  • Lilian tells Jennifer about her stupid row with Justin. The thing is that when you are used to something, you forget how it would look to someone else. Jennifer thinks that a trust is the same thing but Lilian says it isn’t how Justin sees it. He feels as if he’s been living in Matt’s house all the time. Jennifer says she must tell him the whole truth – she wouldn’t want Justin to think she was keeping secrets about Matt, would she… Later Lilian comes back. She tells Jennifer that she can’t get hold of the Trustee – he just isn’t returning her calls. Justin thinks she is just dragging her feet. The Jennifer realises Lilian has been talking to Matt and can’t believe it.
  • Kirsty and Lexi are still enjoying their conversation and Lexi is learning a lot more of the local language. But Kirsty is still feeling under pressure from people over the Duxford sisters and the whole Happy Friends cafe.
  • When Alice catches up with Brian, she asks him to be the “MC” for the fete. She pretends that it is because he is the most authoritative and has the best voice. Brian is flattered, but he refuses. Alice is desperate and begs. She’ll even get Kate to do his speedwatch shifts and he would get to meet the Duxford sisters. There would even be pictures in Borchester Life. Brian, surprisingly, agrees but probably isn’t aware of the Town Crier angle.
  • Roy gets back to Willow Farm. Conversation is rather awkward between him and Lexi. They will have to agree to disagree about the security arrangements. But they do call a truce. Curiously, neither Roy nor Kirsty knows why it is called a fete and not a fair. Roy offers to take her to it but Lexi exits stage left.

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