Susan’s hopes for promotion are shattered, Ed is angry that Adam has hired Johnny and Adam agrees to go to the surrogate party with Ian despite his reservations.

Radio Times: Susan’s hopes are shattered, and Ed feels overlooked

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  • Ed, Clarrie and Tom discuss the theft of Josh’s loader. Apparently, he left the gate open with the key in the ignition. Clarrie says it’s still not nice to think of a thief operating in the neighbourhood. Tom says he wishes to talk to Clarrie and Susan about some changes since Johnny will be at the Home Farm. Ed is startled to hear that Johnny is working at Home Farm.
  • Ian is excited to hear that the party invitees will include a woman who has already been a surrogate who may be interested in doing it again. Also, there will be another gay couple there at the party. It is turning into quite a production.
  • Susan assumes that she will have a managerial opportunity when Tom introduces changes. Clarrie notes her berry flavoured kefir was very well received. Susan implies that she will be the person chosen for any future courses or development. Tom comes in but he discusses only flexibility in the work rota. He wants to start today. Susan is very enthusiastic because she assumes Tom is referring to a part time fermented food course.
  • Ed is disappointed and a bit angry to hear that Johnny is hired by Adam. Why has Adam hired his relative when Ed could use the money? Adam tries to say he has more important things on his mind. Ed points out that Johnny receives lower pay. Adam tries to convince Ed that consanguinity or pay didn’t come into it. Ed is too angry to reply and he storms out.
  • Susan and Clarrie are out in the polytunnels picking veg. This is what Tom meant by flexibility. Susan is outraged; what a waste of her talents.
  • Adam is worn out and down in his spirits. Ian notes that he has cleared the whole of the afternoon to head down to London. Ian says the train is too tight and they should drive. Ian tries to say he doesn’t mind whose car they take but Adam snaps at him. Is Adam going off the whole idea of surrogacy, asks Ian? Adam explains that Ed laid into him for giving the tractor work to Johnny and Adam didn’t handle it well. Adam tells Ian that this is all life-changing stuff but he won’t let Ian down. Adam concludes by saying, let’s go to the meeting and take it from there.

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