Susan tells Neil they are throwing a cocktail party for Mike and Vicky.

Radio Times: Jennifer gets some unwanted publicity, and Susan has a party to plan.

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  • Toby is suffering from another hangover and can’t deal with all the messages from various women. He’s surprised to see a photo of himself in the Echo in his boxer shorts. Rex is not impressed. They are trying to start a business in the area. And he asks if he has even apologised. Toby claims he doesn’t have Kate’s number. Rex tells him it’s time he grows up or it will be Brighton all over again and this time Rex will leave him to it.
  • Neil has a dreadful hangover from the scrumpy. Susan wants to know what the rat trap is. Neil says he is sorry to have disturbed her but Mike is leaving next week. Mike is trying to put a brave face on it but he is clearly finding the move very hard. And Neil will miss him too.
  • Jennifer is horrified to see the picture in the Echo too. And Kate let her self be photographed in her bra and pants. It’s probably set the SAVE campaign back months. Kate tries to blame Toby and then wanders off to plan her “smudging” ceremony which is apparently more important than her lecture.
  • Toby does finally call Kate to apologise. Kate says he is forgiven. She suggests to “Tobes” that they might meet up sometime. Toby tries to put her off but she says she’ll be in Borchester later. They do meet up Toby is clearly bored and distracted. She tries to insist that he comes to her house warming party but he says he has plans. Kate begins to get the message when Rex turns up. And so she leaves him to his extremely busy social life. Rex then has to deliver the news that Pear Tree Farm has gone pears up. So they are back to square one, making friends and trying to make a good impression. The party is over. Toby has to be Mr Squeaky clean.
  • Susan bemoans the cancellation of the fete to Jennifer – and to the loss of Mike and Vicky. Vicky is looking forward to it though Mike doesn’t seem to be. Susan suggests some sort of going away party. Jennifer suggests beer and sandwiches but Susan thinks they could do better.
  • Susan announces to Neil that they are going to have a cocktail party for Mike and Vicky. She’ll get some cocktail recipes and get some sparkling wine. It will be a real classy occasion, just like the one Jennifer had for her new kitchen. They’ll give Mike and Vicky the best send-off ever.

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