The Grundy fortunes take a turn for the better while David’s opinion of Pip’s judgement when it comes to men takes a turn for the worse.

Radio Times: Oliver revises his plans, and David starts to scheme.

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  • Ruth confronts Pip over the revelation that she is ‘seeing’ Toby. Understandably Pip is somewhat evasive and finds an excuse to get out on the farm. David appears in search of coffee and asks why Pip is behaving like a sulky teen. He reacts in typical David anger when he hears what is going on. It’s Jude all over again. Ruth makes a feeble attempt to explain, but David decides to find a way to terminate the Fairbrothers’ contract. For a start he will go and inspect the fences. Toby Fairbrother is Bad News.
  • At Grange Farm Joe refuses to be comforted. Even Clarrie’s offer of chops for his lunch fails to stir him from his despondency. Then Oliver rings; he wants to talk to them all. Eddie fears he will want them out even sooner than they agreed.
  • David makes it his business to find Pip and to let her know his opinion of Toby. Pip retorts that her private life is none of David’s business. He has just got it in for Toby. Later, having refused lunch at home, Pip tells Ruth that she is not a child. She and Toby are free to do what they like.
  • Oliver explains that he and Caroline have reviewed their finances, and can buy the villa in Tuscany without selling Grange Farm, so the Grundys can stay. The rent will be a struggle, but Clarrie thinks that with Ed and Emma chipping in, they can manage. Joe’s delight is momentarily overshadowed by a ferret making for the chops, but order is restored and Joe looks forward to the best birthday ever back where he belongs.

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