Josh discovers what Pip and Toby are up to and makes sure Ruth knows. As the custody case begins, Helen continues to show courage and determination.

Radio Times: Anna is hopeful, and Josh gets an eyeful.

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  • Josh is delighted, having sold an item online for a very good price, but declines to tell Ruth exactly what it was, rushing off to find his phone charger.
  • Pat and Helen wait for the custody hearing to start. Pat is distinctly edgy, but Helen remains calm and focussed. Anna arrives, looking and feeling cheerful. She warns Helen that Rob’s barrister will do his best to portray Helen as unstable; Helen says she has beaten Rob once and will not let him bully her again.
  • Walking into Rickyard Cottage in search of his charger, an amused Josh encounters a naked Toby. The normally brash Toby is flustered, and Josh makes the most of it.
  • Rob’s barrister describes Helen as volatile, unpredictable and unreliable. Because of her mental state both children have had bad starts in life. He refers to the bath water incident, which Helen refutes totally, saying that Rob controlled every aspect of their lives. Pat is cross-examined, and presents a picture of a close, loving family where Henry had good male role models. Rob’s barrister refers to the bull incident, suggesting they put Henry’s life in danger.
  • Toby has a meeting with Josh, who remains arrogant and rude towards Ruth when she asks what it is all about and what he has sold. When she learns that it’s the laptop she and David have just bought him, Ruth is not pleased. Perhaps to divert Ruth’s attention, Josh ‘accidentally’ lets slip that Toby and Pip are an item- it’s serious.
  • After the hearing, Helen tells Pat how sorry she is that Henry is stuck in a nightmare. The damage is done, and she wonders how it will affect him. She knows that his heart is hers and always will be.

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