The mopping up begins and Ruth returns to help.

Radio Times: Ruth wants the news, and Christine is feeling fragile.

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  • It’s the morning after in Ambridge and no-one is dead; there’s an opportunity missed for a further cull of characters! Ruth calls on a bad line and David tries to tell her to stay in Prudhoe. They are all ok but Ambridge is like a war zone.
  • Shula, Jill and Christine are serving up soup, courtesy of Grey Gables, to displaced villagers. Jim bemoans the fact that they have been left to fend for themselves, with no outside assistance. Shula declares that there is no point in her going back to The Stables until the water goes down from the yard. Christine is screwing up her courage to return to Woodbine Cottage but Jim will go with her.
  • Meanwhile Bert is surveying his home. What a mess. How will he tell Freda that her recipe books are ruined; best not to tell her when he visits her in hospital later; keep it until she is feeling better.
  • Christine’s home is also a mess and Jim’s is even worse. Shula is quick to invite them both to stay at The Stables. They both gratefully accept.
  • Tom has lent a bowser to store milk; if the tanker can’t get through they will have to dump the milk on the fields. David has agreed to give an interview to the local TV news – if they can get through to him. But who’s this in the yard with a torch? It’s Ruth. Doesn’t she ever listen to what David says to her? Apparently she and Ben have had to walk the last mile. So what needs doing? Let’s get started.

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