The twins visit Brookfield and Ruth makes her priorities clear.

Radio Times: Rhys spots an opportunity and Ruth decides on her priorities.

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  • In the shop, Ruth and Susan’s chat about yesterday’s Borchester Show is interrupted by Rhys; he has seen the advert for the flat to let and is keen to see it. Not so fast – he must speak to Mrs Woolley first; that’s soon done, so as soon as Lynda arrives to man the shop the tour can begin; it won’t take long!
  • Jill is taking the twins to Brookfield to see the new puppy, Tig; Lily hasn’t seen him yet. Freddy is more interested in the winning lambs before they are chopped up. As soon as Jill raises the topic of Elizabeth and David, up goes the barrier – Elizabeth suddenly needs to be somewhere else. She makes it clear that the twins should be back for tea by 6pm, rather than eating at Brookfield.
  • The flat is indeed small but Rhys also thinks it is great. Fine view, close to The Bull, it’s just what he needs. He has a feeling he will be happy here.
  • At Brookfield it’s lovely to see the twins; Ruth regrets they don’t see them often enough these days. She confides in Jill that David seems back to his old self after a day at the Show, no doubt listening to other people’s problems. He was really chuffed about Pip’s initiative, though he doesn’t want to raise her hopes about her future on the farm in case the numbers don’t stack up. One thing is certain: for Ruth, it’s David who comes first and that’s how it’s going to stay.

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