Toby is unwelcome at Jill’s birthday tea; only Carol understands Jill’s reaction.

Radio Times: Jill puts her foot down, and it is feeling cramped at Bridge Farm.

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  • Jill is 86 today and is being treated to breakfast in bed by the whole family. Meanwhile, Johnny is being treated to Susan’s appearance on October’s calendar page over breakfast, which Pat tactfully removes as the strategically placed stars are beginning to lose their adhesive and fall off! Bathroom space and time are a bit tight in the mornings at Bridge Farm with Helen and Henry back, and when Pat suggests a rota, Johnny is one step ahead with his own solution of offering to move out.
  • As Pip and Ruth prepare for Jill’s birthday tea, Pip drops into conversation that she’s invited Toby to the celebrations. Johnny approaches David to be on the mock interview panel for Tom. David agrees and Johnny asks David and Ruth to suggest another panel member, who will be tough. As Johnny leaves, David and Ruth privately agree that Brian will fit the bill, then lament the fact that Pip has invited Toby to Jill’s Birthday tea, although David has his doubts that Toby will show up.
  • Carol arrives for Jill’s Birthday celebration tea and they reminisce and evaluate what life has brought them. Jill bluntly tells Pip that it is her Birthday and she does not want Toby there. Without knowing the history and the unreliability of the Fairbrother family, Pip feels that Jill’s rejection of Toby extends to her and she leaves the gathering. Pip speaks with Ruth and neither can understand how or why the Fairbrother family provoke this reaction in Jill. David and Ruth are left wondering what to do.

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