Toby lets down his brother again; 50 hens are dead or missing.

Radio Times: It is all hands on deck at Hollowtree, and Adam is treated to breakfast.

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  • There’s a calamity at Hollowtree. Eddie raised the alarm when he found hens loose. There’s a gap in the netting and the caravan was not shut. The fox had a field day: there are bodies everywhere. No prizes for guessing the idiot who didn’t do his duty. Toby didn’t come home last night. Eddie focuses Rex’s attention on the live ones and on any that need dispatching; he shows him how.
  • With a marathon harvest session ahead, Adam appreciates having his breakfast cooked by Ian, who has a day off. He had to give Josh a rollicking yesterday and he is back on trailers; he could have done so much damage to the combine. Ian has promised Ruairidh a kick-about later. He also plans to explore some ideas for a letter to Helen; where should he start?
  • Adam recommends that Ian should keep it simple. He wants to clear the air and get off on the right foot. Adam thinks he should not say anything that makes Helen focus on what she might see as past mistakes. Of course, Adam doesn’t know what happened but Rob was at the root. Ian doesn’t go into details but says that Rob is a master at making people suspicious of one another, whether justified or not.
  • There are 50 birds dead or missing. They can’t fulfil all their orders without getting more point of lay hens. Perhaps they could use some of Josh’s but not until they have been paid for; Josh isn’t stupid. Toby promises that he will pay. Rex wonders whether he and Josh wouldn’t be better off on their own. (That’s even before he finds out where Toby spent the night!)

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