Tom gets the message that his relationship is finished. Lilian is told that her’s is not.

Radio Times: Lilian receives an apology and Alice is made an offer she cannot refuse.

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  • Finally Lilian answers Paul’s call. She is cool. If he has something to say, say it. He behaved so badly; he is calling from the flat in Felpersham and wants to say sorry face to face.
  • Alice is home early. Her boss Brendan had asked why she wanted to leave. She told him how she really feels. He was delighted she was so passionate about her work and promised fast track promotion and more interesting work; he doesn’t want anybody else to head-hunt her. She also has a chance of a placement next year in Paris. Result!
  • Brenda calls when Tom is in with the pigs, but in the present climate not too busy to talk. She tells him he has a lot of voicemails about ready meals; he has been putting them off. When he gets home he really wants to talk about the ‘mess’ they are in.
  • A profusion of flowers doesn’t hit the spot with Lilian. Why did Paul cut himself off from her? He admits being stupid, in a foul mood after a bad call – business related! He’d better not treat her that way again. No, from now on he will tell her everything! (On present form, probably not quite everything.)
  • Tom comes home to find that Brenda has moved her stuff into the spare room. Why? She explains that they have such different dreams. Actually Brenda doesn’t know what she wants but she knows what she doesn’t want. He would be prepared to give up his dreams to follow hers: farm, business, children; she doesn’t want him to do that. However hard they try, their relationship doesn’t work for her. He finally realises that she really thinks they are finished.

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