Tom realises he is losing focus spending too much time thinking about the supermarket and he has to accept his relationship with Brenda is over.

Radio Times: Jim enjoys an afternoon out, and Jazzer loses his rag.

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  • Nic helps Clarrie with the church flowers again and agrees to help her with her display for the Flower Festival. And Clarrie persuades her to come to a church service and to bring the children with her.
  • Jim is going out for the afternoon with Jill but they haven’t decided where to go. That’s the trouble with Borsetshire, too many tea rooms. Jill is worried about something. Jim wonders whether it’s Daniel’s exams but she says no, he’s a very steady boy and is going to see his Grandfather before he goes to America. It’s Pip that’s the problem. David and Pip just seem to be rubbing each other up the wrong way. Jim says it’s inevitable and that she knows there is nothing she can do about it. Jill reluctantly agrees. Jim cheers her up by teasing her about flirting with Rob Titchener. And then they need an emergency stop to avoid crashing into a herd of pigs. They must be Tom’s.
  • Jazzer is obsessed with talking about the highland games with Tom when they are trying to work. Jazzer says Gourmet Grills will need to put on haggis for the occasion. Then he gets a call from his Mum and he has to dash off to help her.
  • Tom is late to the pub to meet Roy after having had to round up the pigs. Jazzer is furious with Tom about the pigs. He’d forgotten to put the electric fence back on. Jazzer says Tom would have been mad at him if he’d been that careless. Roy tells him to calm down but Tom says it’s okay. Jazzer was right. He is spending all his time thinking about the supermarket deal and about Brenda. Roy thinks he’s being too hard on himself. Tom disagrees. He knows that everything really is over with Brenda.

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