Vicky is nagging Mike to get ready for the move. Kate finally decides to move into her cottage and tries emotional blackmail to get Phoebe to move with her.

Radio Times: Kate has a mess to clean up, and Vicky is on a mission.

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  • Vicky is packing up for the move to Birmingham. Phoebe is concerned that in the new house, Vicky has reserved the spare room as a sewing room and the garage for her car leaving Mike with only a shed big enough for a lawnmower. Then next she lectures Mike on not clearing out his existing shed and tries to make him throw out things he wants to keep.
  • Brian finally catches up with Kate and insists she clears up the mess around the pool. She claims it isn’t too bad and that she is too busy with her university work. Brian loses his temper and tells her that if she wants to stay living under his roof she has to start behaving like a responsible adult. In the end Phoebe says she’ll clear it up and finally, Kate reluctantly agrees to help and says she’ll be moving out soon anyway.
  • Kate returns to the idea of Phoebe moving into the cottage with her on Friday. Phoebe reminds her she doesn’t want to move. Kate says they are going to have a House Cleansing ceremony. Phoebe is clearly reluctant about Friday anyway and is certainly not keen on staying overnight which Kate tries to guilt trip her into.
  • Next, Brian and Adam come to blows when Brian finds out he is planning to keep the new grazing for a longer period of time. Brian accuses him of turning it into mediaeval theme park.
  • Over a pint in The Bull, Mike tells Adam how stressful the move is being when Vicky arrives to tell him that she’s booked someone to clear the shed on Thursday which will give him plenty of time to sort out his stuff.

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