War and peace at Brookfield; cold war for the runners and bliss for Nic and Will.

Radio Times: David fights a frosty atmosphere at Brookfield.

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  • In the Brookfield dairy it’s touch and go which is the frostier – the pipes or David’s mood. Ruth put the heaters on last night but is not sure whether she checked that the doors were properly closed. Grumpy David is making a song and dance of it, eventually opting to do the milking himself rather than get the kids off to school.
  • Marathon training is in progress again for Usha and Annabelle; on this lovely crisp morning they opt for the cross-country route, rather than the road. Usha slips harmlessly, much to Annabelle’s amusement.
  • Nic is a bit stressed over a lost earring when Will calls; she is cheered by the news that he will be in Borchester at lunchtime and they arrange to meet.
  • Alan calls at Brookfield with good news about the Elms; it is thanks to people like Ruth and David who rallied round at Christmas.
  • Will cannot stay long but to encourage Nic in her driving, he has bought her a driving test theory book; they must have another lesson soon. He has also bought some earrings to replace her lost one. They are both very glad to be back together.
  • Peace falls on Brookfield, both apologising, and they start the day afresh. Ruth cooks David a big breakfast and David arranges a belated anniversary dinner tomorrow – at the Shanghai Queen, appropriately for their China Anniversary.

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